You can choose between hundreds of background pictures. The quality is unique, because the pictures arent excessive colourful and comprehensive, so that you can see the icons on your screen. Its a question of so-called patterns and textures like sand, tree bark, stones, samples, water, surface and so on...
The pictures can be saved in exactly this resolution:
- iPhone 2G, 3G/iPod: 320x480 Pixel
- iPhone 4/4S/5: 640x960 Pixel
- iPad: 1024x768, 2048x1536 (Retina)
- iPad with iOS8/9/10/11/12/13 and Retina with 200 pixel more
- original file size
- rotate pictures
- more than 4800 pictures available
- Internet connection
- iOS 8 or higher
- iPhone/iPod/iPad (Universal App)